Refereed Journal Articles
Chen, T.Y. (2021).
A systematic integrative review of cognitive biases in consumer health information seeking: Perspective of behavioral information research. Journal of Documentation, 77(3), 798–823. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-01-2020-0004 (Q1 in SJR Information Systems & Library Information Sciences; Scopus CiteScore: 2.8 in 2021; Clarivate 5-yr IF: 1.988 in 2020) (SCI/SSCI indexed)
Chi, Y.L. & Chen, T.Y. (2018).
Learning adaptivity in support of flipped learning: An ontological problem-solving approach. Expert Systems, 35(3), e12246. (SCI-indexed)
Chi, Y.L., Chuang, P.R., Chen, T.Y., Chang, T.Y., & Liao, M.L. (2015).
Developing a dietary consultation system for chronic kidney disease patient care. Journal of e-Business, 17(2), 263-287. (TSSCI-indexed) (original paper in Chinese)
Chen, T.Y. & Chi, Y.L. (2015).
A traceable supplier relationship network model based on recursive structure. Journal of Information Management, 22(4), 445~474. (TSSCI-indexed) (original paper in Chinese)
Chi, Y.L. & Chen, T.Y., Tsai, W.T. (2015).
A chronic disease dietary consultation system using OWL-based ontologies and semantic rules. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 53, 208-219. (SCI-indexed)
Chen, T.Y. & Chi, Y.L. (2013).
A knowledge-based system for participatory competitive intelligence in enterprise decision making. Journal of e-Business, 15(4), 541-566. (TCI-HSS-indexed) (original paper in Chinese)
Chi, Y.L., Chen, T.Y., & Hung, C.L. (2013).
Using a knowledge-integration model to construct a recommendation system for matching outpatient symptoms and hospital clinical departments. Journal of Library and Information Science, 39(1), 69-89. (TSSCI-indexed) (original paper in Chinese)
Chi, Y.L. & Chen, T.Y. (2012).
Developing outline-based learning path based on the one guide-multiple texts curriculum. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 15(1), 151-178. (TSSCI-indexed) (original paper in Chinese)
Hung, C.L., Chi, Y.L., and Chen, T.Y. (2009).
An attentive self-organizing neural model for text mining. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(3), 7064-7071 (SCI indexed).
Refereed Conference Papers & Presentations
Chen, T.Y. (2020, October 21).
Decision dynamics and human-computer interaction in consumer online health information seeking: A behavioral information research (BIR) exploration [Poster]. ALISE 2020 Annual Conference.
Chen, T., & Gross, M. (2017, October 18).
Formative usability modeling for academic search user interface [Poster]. iSchool 2017 Challenger Event.
Chen, T.Y., & Gross, M. (2017).
Usability Modeling of Academic Search User Interface. HCI International 2017, July 9-14, 2017, Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
Chi, Y.-L., & Chen, T. (2016).
Learning path adaptivity in support of flipped learning: A knowledge-based approach. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Academic Conference, Venice (pp. 95–107). Venice, Italy: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES)
Chi, Y.L., Chen, T.Y., & Tsai, W.T. (2015).
Validation and calibration of dietary intake in chronic kidney disease: An ontological approach. In W. Abramowicz (Ed.), Business Information Systems (pp. 102–112). Springer International Publishing.
Chi, Y.L., Chen, T.Y., & Tsai, W.T. (2014).
Creating individualized learning paths for self-regulated online learners: An ontology-driven approach. Proceedings of HCI International 2014. Tsai, W.T., Chen, T.Y., Chi, Y.L. (2013). Integrating knowledge classification frameworks to develop a word-of-mouth recommender system. Presented at the 2013 Straight Management and Economics Academic Conference, Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi, China.
Chi, Y.L. & Chen, T.Y. (2013).
Collaborative competitive intelligence: A knowledge base system approach. Proceedings of 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI'2013).
Tsai, W.T., Chen, T.Y., & Chi, Y.L. (2012).
Constructing a knowledge system for the discovery of intellectual capital from enterprise annual reports. Presented at 2012 Academic Conference of Cross-Straight Management and Economics. (original paper in Chinese)
Tsai, T.H., Li, K.C. & Chen, T.Y. (2012).
Location-based service applications for AR technology: The impact of mobile commerce development. Proceedings of 18th Information Management and Practice Conference (IMP 2012).
Chen, T.Y., Tsai, Y.C., & Liu, S.H. (2011).
The dynamics of cross-cultural management knowledge transfer: From Taiwan to the Philippines. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, 14, 183-188.
Chen, T.Y. & Pi, S.M. (2010).
Cross-cultural transfer of management knowledge: A conceptualization in the East and Southeastern Asia region. Paper presented at Annual Hawaii International Business Research Conference, October, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.
Chen, T.Y., Chang, Y.H., & Hung, C.L. (2009).
A conceptual framework for instructional design in blended learning environment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2009).
Chen, T.Y., & Ho, H.W. (2008).
Higher education e-learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan]. In Proceedings of 2008 International Conference for Digital Divide. Yunlin, Taiwan.
Liu, S.H., Chen, T.Y., and Liao, H.L. (2008).
Information the transformation of public administrations: The case of e-Housekeeper in Taiwan. Issues in Information Systems, 9(2), 251-257. Pi, S.M., Liu, Y.C., Chen, T.Y., & Li, S.H. (2008).
Pi, S.M., Liu, Y.C., Chen, T.Y., & Li, S.H. (2008).
The influence of instant messaging usage behavior on organizational communication satisfaction. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 449–449). Hawaii.
Chen, T.Y. & Ho, H.W. (2008).
An investigation on e-learning policy and implementation strategies in the higher education of Taiwan. Proceedings of International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), November 17-19, 2008 Madrid, Spain.
Hung, C.L. & Chen, T.Y. (2008).
An attentive text mining model. Paper presented at International Conference Business and Information (BAI2008), July, 2008 Seoul, Korea.
Chen, T.Y., Ho, H.W. (2007).
Higher education e-learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan. Paper presented at International Conference for Digital Divide, June 2008 Yunlin, Taiwan.
Chen, T.Y. & Ho, H.W. (2007).
A case study of online English e-learning tutoring for remote elementary school students. Proceedings of Taiwan Academic Network Conference, 1016-1021.
Wu, C.M., Chen, T.Y., and Hung, Y.L. (2007).
A research on the factors influencing the intention of use of elementary school students in a one-one-one English network instructional system. Proceedings of Taiwan Academic Network Conference, 1034-1039.
Chen, T.Y., & Turner, S. (2007).
Grounded theory for research synthesis. Presented at the Annual Conference of American Education Researcher Association (AERA, 2007), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Technical Reports
Chen, T.Y. (2011).
Evaluation index system of e-schoolbag & learning apps. Prepared for Corporate Synergy Development Center.
Chen, T.Y. (2010).
Evaluation criteria of government e-learning management systems. Prepared for Corporate Synergy Development Center.
Chen, T.Y. (2007).
Higher education e-Learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan. Prepared for Institute for Information Industry.
Chen, T.Y., Lai, M.T., Cheng, H.J. (2008).
A collaboration project on teaching Chinese language online. The Institute for Information Industry (III).
Chen, T.Y., Lai, M.T., Cheng, H.J. (2008).
Market Survey & Analysis of Teaching Chinese in U.S. K-12 Schools and Market Positioning & Strategic Business Development Recommendations. The Institute for Information Industry (III).
Chen, T.Y., Lai, M.T., Cheng, H.J. (2008).
Standards for K-12 Chinese Education in U.S. The Institute for Information Industry (III).
Chen, T.Y., Lai, M.T., Cheng, H.J. (2008).
Standards Based K-12 Chinese Curriculum in the United States. The Institute for Information Industry (III).